Board Governance
“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.” Proverbs 22:1
Effective board governance is critical for the health of Logos Christian Academy (LCA). By reporting, explaining, and justifying all governing actions, LCA’s Board of Trustees (the Board) fulfills its own obligation of accountability to the school’s beneficiaries, donors, and the public, regardless of the level of discomfort and vulnerability involved. Therefore, the LCA Board seeks to be an active and informed governing body, committed to hold to the school’s mission, protect the integrity of the organization's objectives, defend its name, and ensure consistent adherence to board policies.
Logos Christian Academy’s Board of Trustees submits to the spiritual leadership of and abides by the Statement of Faith that guides its parent organization, Logos Baptist Ministries.
Although Board Governance is not management, certain circumstances translate into specific management activities. As such instances may be rare, the Board’s main responsibility is to direct LCA’s principal to carry out the school’s mission by being diligent in maintaining a trustworthy, strong, and transparent relationship, thus avoiding involvement in the school’s daily operations.
Board members:
Mr. Cristi Bradu
Mr. Valentin Gabor
Mr. John Paul Sinitean
Mrs. Dolores Chiu
Mrs. Claudia Lozneanu
Mr. Stefan Lozneanu
Mr. Daniel Chiu
Mr. Larry Murg
Ms. Emma Aioanei
Mr. Aurel Eliescu
Mr. Benjamin Vaduva
Board Duties:
This is not an exhaustive list, yet the following are examples of LCA’s Board duties:
Commit to prayer, corporately and individually
Identify and monitor the LCA’s mission and purpose
Approve, in advance, the LCA’s principal's compensation
Comply with all legal requirements placed upon LCA and approve all legally binding resolutions
Together with LCA’s principal, chart the long-range strategy of the organization
Be faithful stewards of resources entrusted to LCA by monitoring the school’s financial status and approve the annual budget in advance and maintain oversight of its implementation, or establish policies that enumerate the applicable budgetary constraints
Approve the engagement of LCA’s independent certified public accountant to perform the annual audit, review, or compilation
Assure LCA’s financial sustainability
Assure full disclosure of all potential conflicts of interest within LCA and the board. Serve as ambassadors for the school, interpreting its mission to constituencies, enhancing its public image, protecting its name, and dispersing a positive influence on all who come in contact with LCA.
“I concluded that there is no such thing as business ethics. There is only personal ethics. I believe no amount of business school training or work experience can teach what is ultimately a matter of personal character. Businesses are not dishonest or selfish, people are. Thus, [an organization] successful or not, is merely a reflection of the character of its leadership.”
S. Truett Cathy Founder of Chick-fil-A