Welcome to Logos Christian Academy

Where excellence is not only a goal but an achievement!


It is imperative that Christian parents take a serious look at what is happening in their public school classrooms. We must then honestly seek God’s will for our children in terms of proper school environment.  This environment must be one that will not contradict but will implement the values and standards of the home and church.

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Payments for tuition and other fees can be made via QuickPay/Zelle at payments@mylogos.org

Click to view the essential items each student will need for a successful 2024-2025 school year.

Click to conveniently pay for upcoming field trips and class funds for the school year.


Please click to download a PDF version of the school calendar.

In-Kind Contributions

We are deeply thankful for the invaluable in-kind contributions from our community supporters. Their generous gifts strengthen our ability to serve our students and fulfill our school’s mission.

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